Re: [DS/SG] Quick survey
From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 16:43:49 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [DS/SG] Quick survey
On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Germ wrote:
> Just a quick survey.
> What type and size of buildings do you use for:
> DS games
A friend has a boxful of those quite nice GW Epic highrises, including
some of the old ones that are actually quite different looking.
> SG 15mm games
My main area - I've made a boxful of 15mm buildings from card and
foamcore, ranging from a big warehouse that's about 6x8 inches to some
very small storage buildings only about 1.5x2 inches, plus a dozen or so
pieces of industrial terrain, tank farms, refinery bits and so on, most
scratchbuilt and some commercial resin.
> SG 25mm games
All my industrial stuff will work in 25mm as well as 15mm; I'm still
building a pair of pizza-box based FMA skirmish units, but that's all
we've got that's designed for 25mm.
The problem our group has is that I'm basically the only one who builds
scenery! If I don't build it, it isn't on the table, with the exception
a couple of nice buildings my brother made...
This has the odd result that my scenery has been to more conventions
I have, because Jaime keeps borrowing it for cons I can't make it to! If
you've played a 15mm SG2 game with Jaime in the Pacific Northwest in the
last year or two, yes that was my scenery, and no, I wasn't there... :>
Grousing over... I do like your 6mm buildings and 25mm corridor stuff,
Germ. I've got all the pdfs saved, and building some of them is fairly
high on that infamous 'to be done' list!
Brian - -