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Re: [FT]: Base Construction

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 09:05:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [FT]: Base Construction

On  3-Apr-02 at 09:02, David Reeves ( wrote:
> hi all!
> I was thinking about FT construction rules for bases -- either fully
> fabricated or constructed out of asteroids (kinda from my Starfire
> experience).	these would be installations to guard worlds, important
> facilities, strategic points.
> since they would need only station-keeping drives, bases should be
able to
> use a larger percentage of their total space to weapons/defenses, say
> so their advantages are more weapons, but no maneuver versus a mobile
> then there is the bases smaller cousin -- a weapons platform.  maybe 1
> space is devoted to station-keeping drives, but the overall size is
> limited before it drifts into a small base category.	 no idea yet
what this
> limit might be.
> anyway, this is off-the-cuff.  any ideas out there?

Just realize that even with good PDS's a small fleet with SMLs will
eat a base up.	When we did our campaign all the bases ended up
being fighter platforms.

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