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Further RoE info

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 00:04:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Further RoE info

To expand on my other email - here's some other links that might be of

The US Marine answer to the Army's ADTDL is the Marine Corp Doctrine
Division's website at
I'm sure some RoE info exists there; I haven't had a chance to look yet.
The Army runs a better search engine than the Marines do, I'm afraid.
much easier to find things on the ADTDL site!

Back on the ADTDL, we have actual sample RoEs at
I like the quote which opens this page... The page itself includes
Somalia's Operation Restore Hope & several other UN/humanitarian

There might be some actual shooting-war sample RoEs available - but it's
midnight here, so someone else can look! Hopefully I've given enough
information to get people started.

Incidentally, FM 90-1 is interesting just by itself - it's one of the
Urban Operations handbooks; part of it is available here:

Brian - -
- -

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