future mix and MPs (2 for the price of one!)
From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 16:33:24 -0500
Subject: future mix and MPs (2 for the price of one!)
Laserlight: If your wash is too thin, you can wash again. If too
thick.... repaint figure. I'd err on the side of thin to start with.
1:15 sounds real thin mind you....
MPs (quote Ryan, paraphrase similarly Flak):
Standard uniforms plus shoulder tabs/brassards or arm bands.
Okay, guys, you didn't quite answer my question (as far as I could
tell). Both the Camouflage BDU and garrison dress are standard uniforms
in most armies. Which "standard" uniform did you mean?
Answer for:
1) MPs doing peacekeeping (directing traffic, etc): weapons? uniform?
2) MPs doing LEA at home or on a mostly peaceful base: weapons? uniform?
3) MPs doing rear-area security in a hot conflict: weapons? uniform?