Re: [DS] Hidden Units and Recon by Fire
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 09:51:29 -0800
Subject: Re: [DS] Hidden Units and Recon by Fire
Ryan M Gill werote:
>Wouldn't it make more sense for a Recon by fire result of discovered
>be based on the "target" unit being forced to make a reaction test.
Yes, but I was first working on establishing general rules for hidden
I had not yet moved on to my RBF ideas.
>If they fail, someone shoots back thus revealing their position and
>type. If they make the test, then they don't respond (which is what
>recon by fire is supposed to make a unit do) and thus they wait out
>the fire. Ideally, the reaction test would be made in secret whether
>there were a unit there for real or not, thus not really revealing if
>there is a unit there or not if the roll is made or if there is
>nothing there or not.
This is actually what I had in mind. More on that once the rest of the
hidden unit house rules are established.
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