Diggers and Slouch hats was Re: KNOCKING THE
From: Derek Fulton <derekfulton@b...>
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 14:48:30 +1000
Subject: Diggers and Slouch hats was Re: KNOCKING THE
At 04:10 1/04/02 -0800, John L. wrote:
>If the Aussies give up diggers, civilization is
Actually the nickname digger has little to do with the hat, the
weren't the only ones use slouch hats, some unit's in other countries
also used them (some British units, and South Africans spring to mind as
examples). Although no nation embraced it as much as Australia.
The reason for the up turned brim was because it interfered with rifle
drill, you were more than likely to spear the hat on the end on your
bayonet or knock the hat off. Today the Slouch Hat is purely uniform as
rifle drill and the weapons used have changed and the brim is only worn
for ceremonial reasons (marching on Anzac Day for example). In day to
the hat is worn with the brim down, this is for purely practical reason
avoiding skin cancer.
As for the term "digger", this was the nickname given to soldiers of the
AIF (Australian Imperial Forces) in WWI, because they spent a lot of
Derek Fulton
12 Balaka st.
Rosny, Hobart.
Tasmania, 7018.
Phone; (03) 62459123
Mobile; 0438459123
Email; derekfulton@bigpond.com
URL; http://www.users.bigpond.com/derekfulton/