Re: KNOCKING THE ARMY-Conversion of NAC w/berets to ball caps
From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 12:10:04 -0500
Subject: Re: KNOCKING THE ARMY-Conversion of NAC w/berets to ball caps
At 3:59 PM -0500 3/31/02, Scott Case wrote:
>The old ball cap was a very distinctive and unique part of the army
>uniform. When you saw a group of NATO soldiers it was pretty easy to
>pick out the Americans by the 'ball caps'. In addition, the cap
>points back to the Army's history- remember the Civil War? Vietnam
>too...It also points to the American people and the national
>pastime- baseball. An easy visual link to the American people.
Good point. I still think the US army could benefit from a little bit
of tribalism. Not that it has to manifest in the way that it does in
the British Army. The Cav guys have the right idea. From most
accounts, they seemed to derive some thing special from having those
stetsons and really stood out. Not quite the same as just giving
everyone the same black beret. Army of one and everyone has the same
headwear still?
>As an aside to make this little rant of mine 'on topic', I'm
>considering a conversion to a few of my NAC troops to give them a
>sort of American look (my guys have 1st ID patchs on their
>shoulders), and I'm thinking about maybe the old 'ball cap'... any
>ideas on how to do that conversion?
Miliput/putty. How to keep the brims from breaking I'm not sure.
Perhaps a little tiny plastic brim stuck into the putty once the
beret part has been cut away?
Ryan Gill
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