RE: Terrain Making (Was Pizza Box Scenery)
From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 02:44:15 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: Terrain Making (Was Pizza Box Scenery)
On Sat, 30 Mar 2002, Warren Shultzaberger wrote:
> Brian Burger Wrote:
> > A while back, someone posted this URL to the list:
> >
> >
> >
> > ... about using a pizza box as the base for portable skirmish
> >
> This looks D@MN cool!!!
> I usually go to for terrain ideas.
> Does anyone else have some links to some low-budget/do-it-yourself
> scenery making?
The War Factory at has some
unique ideas, including very cool plants. (check out the bamboo - that
to be the most interesting plant model I've ever seen!)
Terragenesis is the best I've ever found; TG's Links section is pretty
comprehensive for other worthwhile scenery sites.
> Brian, are you going to post a picture of your spaceport on your
> website? I'd love to see it!
Yes, when I get the 2nd section done - later this coming week - I'll
pics of both sections. I've got a bunch of new 25mm stuff that needs
photographing too, so I'll finish a roll and get it scanned sometime in
April. There'll be about four new Galleries up sometime in the next
two/three weeks on my site! (I'll drop a note to the list as soon as the
new pics are up and running.)
Brian - -