Re: Reading Request.
From: Robert Crawford <crawford@k...>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 12:46:05 -0500
Subject: Re: Reading Request.
Ryan M Gill wrote:
> At 10:23 PM +0000 3/27/02, Adam Benedict Canning wrote:
>> Lets see, from Weber your still missing the Mutineer's Moon and March
>> upcountry books.
> Umm, March Upcountry is a Weber/Ringo book. Ringo adds a very
> different leaning to the book than your typical Weber book. Though I
> wish John had pushed back a bit more on the daftness of the lever
> action/semi-auto hunting rifle. Weber really wanted the "feel" of it
> Ringo relented. Still a good book even though it leaves a gun person
> like me scratching my head.
I have to agree that Ringo added a "different leaning". At times I
thought I was reading a David Drake novel. Not a bad thing, but a bit