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RE: [OT] Beanstalk anyone?

From: Christopher Downes-Ward <Christopher_Downes-Ward@a...>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:36:37 -0000
Subject: RE: [OT] Beanstalk anyone?

> Someone else mentioned this one.  Dounds like a very good 
> story.  But my 
> curiosity was not about dropping a beanstalk, it was about 
> letting one go 
> from the bottom - the opposite effect.
This happens as a planned action in the 2300AD sourcebook Invasion, to
prevent the Kafers from 
dropping it. I can't recall much about what happened to the Beanstalk
separation and 
most of what I can remember was about the powerloss due to the fact that
Beanstalk was
the major solar power collector. On the otherhand I don't have the books
immediately to hand.

Chris D-W

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