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Sword of God

From: John Lambshead <pjdl@n...>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 10:17:12 +0000
Subject: Sword of God

Correction to MW Article III

Scenario Correction

Islamic Federation Forces, 2671 points

Naval Assets, 2638 points
1)	Arabia, a Mecca class battle carrier plus three squadrons of 
fighters, 824 points
2)	Pilgrim and Jihad, Sword of Islam class battleships, 972 points
3)	Four Saladin class destroyers, 632 points
4)	Five strikeships, 105 points

Planet Based Assets, 138 points
1)	Four groups of fighters, 72 points
2)	One group of heavy fighters, 30 points
3)	One group of torpedo fighters, 36 points

Dr PJD Lambshead
Head, Nematode Research Group
Department of Zoology
The Natural History Museum
London SW7 5BD, UK.
Tel +44 (0)20 7942 5032
Fax +44 (0)20 7942 5433

What a wonderful thing is the cat! on making it God said "That's that!
Supurrnatural selection has brought us purrfection -
which is a great relief to Me after My earlier mistake with the nematode
(Rowena Sommerville)

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