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RE: [DS/FT] Aliens

From: "Warren Shultzaberger" <carol.warren@p...>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:29:20 -0500
Subject: RE: [DS/FT] Aliens

Brian Bilderback wrote:
> > Just picked up 3 packages of Aliens micromachinges on Ebay. 
>  I have a
> > use for the dropship & APC, still trying to figure out what 
> to do with 
> > the others.  I'm thinking the Narcissus would make a great 
> DSII scale 
> > Ship's Capatain's gig, but the Sulaco, Nostromo, and alien 
> ship I have 
> > no idea about.  Maybe the 2 human ships will be carriers or assault 
> > carriers or freighters.  The alien ship?  Not sure.  Suggestions?
> > 

Yes. Sell what you don't want to me! <grin>

Warren Shultzaberger
 "You're only given a little spark of madness.
      You mustn't lose it."
		    ~ Robin Williams

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