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Re: Force sizes-Confusing US ranks

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 12:18:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Force sizes-Confusing US ranks

On 22-Mar-02 at 12:07, Joe Ross ( wrote:
> Actualy, in a time of war, rear-admirals are divided into lower and
> halves, during peace time, they are both referred to as commodore, the

> "rank" has not been done away with, per se, but it is like calling a 
> leuitenant that skippers a boat a captain... kinda but not really..

Just before I got out 10 years ago a directive came down that said
we were no longer to use the word Commodore, we were to use the
term RA-LH.  It even had justification, Commodore was being confused
with Commander by the civilians.

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