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Re: [OT]Industrial Sludge

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 07:22:19 -0800
Subject: Re: [OT]Industrial Sludge

Alan E Brain

>I'm of the Tea persuasion rather than Coffee, but a few observations:

I like a good tea myself.

>a) Until Starbucks (or whatever the name of that chain is) opened up
>January, I hadn't realised how weak US coffee is.

Starbuck's is McCoffee.  Ironically, it's particularly reviled here in
PNW where it originated.  We're a weird region - like our coffee and our

beer both stronger than Middle America prefers.

Plenty of USAians who visited
>here had commented on how strong Australian coffee is, but the
>registered. Maybe it's because most of the coffee I've ever drunk has
>Germany or Holland, where it's of equal strength. Say two 
>teaspoons of Nescafe to a standard cup, 5 grains of salt, no stronger.

Ugh.  That barely qualifies as tea.  Or as potable.

>b) Turkish Coffee isn't that bad, even the last third. The few cups of
>had were fairly consistent - the top few millimetres were liquid, the
>fairly uniform gritty slush. Use Kaiserlink beans from Queensland (or
>matter, Jamaica Blue Mountain if you can afford it) and it's somewhat 
>But even then not the Evil Sludge that's been mentioned. IMHO anyway.

Just because it's evil and it's sludge doesn't mean it's bad.  And if
correctly for Turkish, it's not that gritty either.

>Maybe I'm just insensitive to caffeine. Last time I had a cup of coffee
>last century anyway. Earl Grey's more my tipple. Sometimes with a dash

My wife prefers English Breakfast, I'm a Darjeeling fan myself.

>The obligatory attempt to bring this on-topic *:

You're still trying?  What a trooper!

>a) What is the Effect of Combat Drugs in SG2.
>b) Trading in the Tuffleyverse: high-value commodities such as coffee
>could make even small quantities of trade at high cost quite feasible.

What about the discovery of indigenous plants that give coffee/Tobacco
a run for their money in the popular vices field?


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