Re: Librarians, was RE: [SG] HAMR
From: John Leary <john_t_leary@y...>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 23:45:52 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Librarians, was RE: [SG] HAMR
--- John Crimmins <> wrote:
> At 12:25 PM 3/19/02 -0800, you wrote:
> >
> >--- John Crimmins <> wrote:
> >> A children's librarian, to be specific.
> >
> >You poor bastard. School?
> Public. Horribly enough, a lot of the schools in
> the area don't even have
> librarians; the budget's been slashed to the bone.
> The Philadelphia school
> district has really big problems.
> But I've found it impossible to do a storytime for
> infants or toddlers and
> walk away in a bad mood, so long as I remember the
> two cardinal rules:
> 1) Keep expectations low -- you'll get everyone's
> attention at some point,
> but never at the same time.
As we wonder slowly away from the founding concept of
the GZG site....
I found myself in the position of the favorite
leaning post/chair of a group of six year olds
today, a high point in my life, first grade is
MUCH more fun the second time around.
As I am sitting here, sucking down the fourth
(small) glass of 'Costa dei Limoni', I find that
being the 'favorite leaning post' of five small
children is a high point in the journey of life.
(one is sort of a problen child and the other four
are just cute, mine in particular.)
I now return to the normal GZG channel destruction.
Bye for now,
John L.
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