Re: [ot] Sonic Devices
From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 06:52:56 +0100
Subject: Re: [ot] Sonic Devices
Richard Kirke wrote:
>Well, to use a sonic device to cause real damage, you need something
>would resonate (vibrate at a specific frequency); this way the maximum
>sonic (kinetic, but sonic sounds cooler) energy eventually casuing
>problems for the crew/holder, and eventualy breakage.
>So you would need some way of identifying the resonant frequency. Being
>bughunter, I'm more thinking of; run up to a tank attach sonic clamp
>run, watch the fun. As resonsnce is reached the crew go deaf and
>eventually the tank ruptures (possibly after the magazine goes off
>:-D ). the only defence I can think of is sufficient dampening to
>resonance occuring, or to have all sorts of different parts of said AFV
>having different resonant frequecies (I believe that some cars today
>this as a feature (?).
1) If the small sonic device you use as a mine has enough juice to shake
AFV apart, its batteries has more power per volume than the best high
explosives we're researching today - and much more than anything we
currently have in service.
2) If you've got that much energy at your disposal, there are *much*,
*much* faster (not to mention more certain) ways of taking out an AFV
to let it slowly shake apart
3) All sorts of different parts of a vehicle *have* different resonant
frequencies. If they don't, the vehicle will be pretty intolerable to
due to high noise levels, and in bad cases even risks shaking itself
simply by driving around.
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."