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Re: Librarians, was RE: [SG] HAMR

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 17:29:12 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Librarians, was RE: [SG] HAMR

--- Brian Bilderback <> wrote:

> >Next weekend I get to introduce my cousin to
> >Greek-style coffee.	Makes espresso look tame.
> If it's anything like Turkish coffee, you're far
> more evil than anyone's imagined. ;-)

Well, it's made in a wierdly-shaped sort of pot called
a briki.  You put in cold water, coffee that's ground
really fine, and sugar (to taste--I was taught that
you put in almost as much as you do coffee, which
makes it really sweet).  Served in tiny little coffee
cups, and enough to keep you arguing politics and
theology with Greeks until midnight!


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