Re: [FT] Teach Newbie Vector or Cinematic?
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 22:59:06 +0000
Subject: Re: [FT] Teach Newbie Vector or Cinematic?
>>From: Allan Goodall <>
>>What are your opinions? I know this has been asked before, but the
>>rather specific: kid with ADHD!
>Speaking as someone with ADD (Not quite ADHD, but still in the
ballpark), I
>do have some suggestions, though not about the specific movement
>Don't underestimate such a kid's ability to get it if he really really
>the game. My problem back in school was that things were TOO easy, and
>couldn't hold my attention long. While you will want to keep your
>explanation of the rules as simple as possible at first, DON'T make the
>easy for him. On the other hand, don't blow his doors off either.
>will be your chief enemy. If you can fire his imagination, he'll learn
>calculus if it'll help his game play.
Couple of suggestions:
Consider using "basic" FT2 style generic ship designs rather than FB
specifics to start with, and keeping to simple weapons (beams and stuff)
rather than introducing the more exotic ones right away. Teach the
system first; if he's got a real interest in space travel and real
then maybe go straight to vector, otherwise probably cinematic for
people have already outlined.
A suggestion to speed things up if you fear waning of interest (and also
useful for teaching younger kids the game) is to start off with him not
having to write orders - YOU write your orders, then he moves his ships
he wishes (within the rules of course), then you move yours according to
your orders; provided you only use direct-fire weapons rather than
placed-marker ones, this maintains the game integrity while making it a
faster for the learner; after he's used to the basics of movement this
THEN introduce the written orders for both players.
Good luck!!
Jon (GZG)
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