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Iron Giant, was Re: Librarians, was RE: [SG] HAMR

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:26:28 -0800
Subject: Iron Giant, was Re: Librarians, was RE: [SG] HAMR

Flak Magnet wrote:

>Yes, Iron Giant is an EXCELLENT movie.  It contains of of the few
>characters worthy of the word "Hero" in today's contemporary movies...

Absolutely.  It kinda humbles and shames me that I'm nonetheless trying
think what his DSII stats would be.

>It still hits me as really, really cool when the Giant closes his eyes
>and thinks "Superman"...

If by "Hits me as really, really cool" you mean "Makes me have to
there's too much dust in the air,"  then, yeah, it does that to me too. 
close second is the line "I am not a gun."



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