[ot] Sonic Devices
From: "Richard Kirke" <richardkirke@h...>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 12:31:25 +0000
Subject: [ot] Sonic Devices
Hmmm sonic devices,
Well, to use a sonic device to cause real damage, you need something
would resonate (vibrate at a specific frequency); this way the maximum
(kinetic, but sonic sounds cooler) energy eventually casuing problems
the crew/holder, and eventualy breakage.
So you would need some way of identifying the resonant frequency. Being
bughunter, I'm more thinking of; run up to a tank attach sonic clamp
run, watch the fun. As resonsnce is reached the crew go deaf and
the tank ruptures (possibly after the magazine goes off
:-D ). the only defence I can think of is sufficient dampening to
resonance occuring, or to have all sorts of different parts of said AFV
having different resonant frequecies (I believe that some cars today
this as a feature (?).
Those are my thoughts, what do you guys think?
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