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Re: [DSII] What Size Forces Do I Need?

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 15:03:03 -0800
Subject: Re: [DSII] What Size Forces Do I Need?

Indy wrote:

, since in one of my RPG groups, we have a reference to Riker's Island
> > that has similar connotations (an episode while playing champions in

> > our characters responded toi a prison break by about 20

Yeah, I recall reacting in a similar fashion.  That GM had a power
problem.  Of course, he got taught a lesson.  He let one player, an even

bigger munchkin, run a character with an EB with variable advantage. 
the villain had us all trapped in a force field, Our Man Flint switched
advantage to Indirect, clobbered El Villaino from outside our
My friend's kitchen still has a dent in the floor from the GM's jaw.

>Yes, from Oregon! :-) KR (Portland man) makes it out this way! (well,
>got kinda blindsided this year, but he woulda come again!)

Plus, it's a business trip for him, I would be hard pressed to write

And Ted Arlauskas
>has made it out from Calif twice

Good for Ted.  He can buy my ticket. ;-)

ECC is the Happening Place(tm).  ;-) ;-)

Yeah, but it means having to go..... (pause for dramatic effect) Back 

Besides, I'd kind of like to see WCC become just as happening (Now to 
convince the wife I can go.  LOL  Maybe if it's in Portland.....).



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