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Re: Fav Figs! A question

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 18:46:17 -0500
Subject: Re: Fav Figs! A question

At 06:04 PM 3/15/02 -0800, you wrote:
>On a list that I sub to I ran across a query that I think might be of
>interest to the group.
>Just for public interest, what are your favorite 5 or 6 figure
>makers/suppplies and in what scales?

Reaper: 25/28mm fantasy.  Truly beautiful figures, some so nice that I'm
afraid to risk painting them.

GZG: I buy all scales, but 6mm particularly.  As a WGI article once
it's difficult to decide whether you should game with the DSII figs, or
make them into jewelry.

Copplestone: 28mm Science Fiction.  Miniatures with character.	His
Grenadier UK "Future Warriors" figures are equally good.

Superior: Starships, in some really small scale.  Lots of detail, really
nice models -- some of them so big that it's hard to call them
with a straight face.

Wargames Foundry: 25/28mm, modern/historical.  The prices are a bit
but as with the Copplestone figures these minis are dynamically posed
full of character.  The Old West/Victorian and the modern/near future
are just fantastic.

Fortress: 28mm and 6mm Science Fiction.  Not as well sculpted, for the
part, as the companies above...but $10.00 for 12 plastic figures (or 20
plastic tanks) is hard to beat.  And their modern zombies paint up
wonderfully well.

I buy lots of other stuff -- not as much as I used to, mind -- but these
are the six that stick out in terms of quality.

John Crimmins

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