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Back On Topic! Re: [ot] paintball

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 11:44:00 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Back On Topic! Re: [ot] paintball

--- Richard Kirke <> wrote:
> Paintball chatter apears to be slowly creeping onto
> this list. 

To jerk it sharply back onto topic:

Anyone here read the book Phule's Company by Robert

In it one of the problems in the Space Legion company
are two Sinthians, who look like slugs with eyestalks.
 To solve the problem of battlefield mobility, one of
them starts riding a hoverboard (the other ends up in
the sidecar of a hoverbike).  This creates problems
with armament.	Due to the eyestalks, he can't really
use sights so he needs automatic weapons.  But the
hoverboard flies around due to recoil.	So the police
chief mentions that some of his guys paintball and
that might provide a solution.	The Legion commander
replies that he doesn't need "Toys".  The police chief
mentions that some of those toys are automatic with a
high muzzle velocity.  The Legion commander is still
dubious, until the cop mentions he might happen to
know a source for acid balls and HE rounds.

Anyone want to speculate on either FMAS or SGII stats
for paintball guns with HE rounds?  


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