Re: Fav Figs! A question
From: Michael Llaneza <maserati@e...>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 21:13:49 -0800
Subject: Re: Fav Figs! A question
B5 Fleet Action series
Old Glory 15mm ACW (more personality than a lot of 25mm, we found a
soldier sneering with bayonette lowered)
GHQ Anything
Hallmark 1/6000 Naval
GW's first Space Orks and anything else by the same sculptor(they have
some nice items buried in the overpriced dross - nobody else makes 6mm
power armor in plastic)
okay, that's five
Allan Goodall wrote:
>On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 18:04:57 -0800, "Pat Connaughton"
>>Just for public interest, what are your favorite 5 or 6 figure
>>makers/suppplies and in what scales?
>In no particular order:
>- GZG Starships (not sure of the scale)
>- GZG 25mm Stargrunt range
>- Hallmark's 1/6000 scale pre-dreadnoughts
>- RAFM's 25mm/28mm Call of Cthulhu line
>- Old Glory 15mm American Civil War