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Re: Figures, Games at ECC (last one/next one)

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:02:07 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Figures, Games at ECC (last one/next one)

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Ground Zero Games wrote:

> >>General:
> >>FMAS (Find Me A Sheep) at ECC-VI will in fact involve Scots.
> >>Welsh, Kiwis, Arabs and some others too. Politically incorrect? In
> >>to know, myself and Laserlight have to have even a passing
> >>with "politically correct".... ;)	 (Just watch out for Honest
> >>or you might end up without any equipment and one lemon of a sheep
> >>maybe a flogged-out dromedary) ).
> >From Great Punchlines that really need no joke....
> FNG: "Why are you all in a rush, they're only camels....?"
> Old Sergeant: "You wanna get left with an ugly one....?"

I had this posted to my old website; I haven't yet added it to the new
version... Please do heed the taste/lack of it warning below!

A Foreign Legion Story:

WARNING: No taste was involved in the original telling of this story by
friend, and no taste was added in retelling it here. You have been

So a new commanding officer is posted to an isolated French Foreign
fort. The sergeant gives him a tour, and near the end of the tour they
come across a camel.

Says the officer,"Sergeant, what is this camel doing here?"

"Well, sir, you know...we're very isolated here. The men, well, use the
camel to get some...relief...If you know what I mean...sir..."

The officer thinks this sound a bit disgusting, but the sargeant is
- this is a very isolated post, and whatever keeps the men happy...

So it was that a couple of weeks later, the officer realizes that it's
been a while since he, well, got any...a while before his new posting,
out here in the desert, he calls the sargeant over and says,
"Sergeant, I want you to show me that camel!"

Upon being shown the camel, the officer drops his pants and has sex with
it. "There, that's how the men do it, isn't it?" says the officer.

", sir, the men usually just ride the camel into


Brian - -
- -

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