Re: FT: Sa'Vasku ship costs...
From: Jaime Tiampo <fugu@s...>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 18:47:36 -0800
Subject: Re: FT: Sa'Vasku ship costs...
Charles Taylor wrote:
> Well, fortunately, there are only 3 SV designs in FB2 that can do that
> (the 3 biggest) :-)
> Less fortunately, All but 4 (the 4 smallest) of the FB2 SV can reach
> ranges of 48mu or more, and there are very few non-SV ships with this
> kind of range (err... Komarov SDN and... nothing else).
> OTOH, I'm not totally happy with the 'reduced range' bands for SV,
> largely for aesthetic reasons :-)
> No problem with the changed power pool allocations.
I'm not a big fan of the range mods either though the power pool ones
make perfect sense. I'm finding my ships only have an advantage at over
36mu and under 9mu. In between they fair worse then Humans and generally
over 36mu they only get 1 die for those that can even fire at that
point. Once they get in range to get 2-3dice they get slaughtered. It
feels every time they take a threshold they loose 50% of their current
combat effectiveness. Most times it's not worth attempting to repair