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Re: Gyrobombs

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (K.H.Ranitzsch)
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 19:46:21 +0100
Subject: Re: Gyrobombs

----- Original Message -----
From: <>

> From: Roger Burton West
> >Gyrobombs!
> >With sufficient materials tech, you can get more energy per mass in a
> spinning gyroscope than in any current chemical explosive.
> What do you mean by "sufficient materials tech"?  Unobtainium?  Carbon
fibers?  Lead?

Present-day carbon-fiber/galss flywheels can pack enough energy in a
enough space to be considered as an option for energy storage in cars or
house. Better than most batteries, but less than chemical fuels at teh

I think an anti-personnel mine could be produced today. Main problems
be initial and bearings that run for long enough. And it's


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