Re: Dyson (was Re: [OT]Nukes.)
From: ShldWulf@a...
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 03:47:44 EST
Subject: Re: Dyson (was Re: [OT]Nukes.)
In a message dated 3/11/02 3:55:51 AM Mountain Standard Time, writes:
> > Orion was going to use nukes or hydrogen bombs to launch & propel a
> > large spaceship - and launch from the surface! The Atmospheric Test
> > stuffed that idea, and the more sensible proposal to start the ship
> > orbit was sunk by the various space weapon treaties.
> The were probably buildable back then, but killed by public concern of
> nukes. NASA is looking at the use of nukes for space propulsion
Actually the Orion never got far enough to register on the public until
it was killed. Realistically, it could be argued that for the same
contamination of Hiroshima&Nagasaki, we could get a million tons of
craft into orbit. It might even, (if you will excuse the pun please)
with the public.
As for the new push for Nukes in space, they are talking power reactors
Nuclear electric propulsion. High power Ion and Plasma drives actually.
(Though again, if we want to go the conspiracy route.. it could all be
to get power reactors for those Star Wars battle sats :o)