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Re: [OT]Nukes... tunnels.... boom....

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 16:07:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [OT]Nukes... tunnels.... boom....

--- Derek Fulton <> wrote:

> The fact that the state of North Korea also still
> exists says buckets, it 

I don't suppose you've ever heard of the concept of
"limited war."

> can be successfully argued General Macarthur swayed
> US foreign policy from 
> stopping communist aggression to removing communist
> North Korea. 

How successful was he?	Oh yeah, successful enough to
get sacked.

> escape me at the moment, but I do remember the
> incoming general had a very 
> poor opinion of MacArthur, in fact in his previous
> appointment he had 
> recommended the 'sacking' of MacArthur to the JCS )
> the "bug out" culture 
> prevailing in the US command stop.

General Ridgeway.  And as for the "bug out" culture
you're referring to, he took command after the war had
more or less stalemated.

> "The Americans do not like holding defensive
> positions. They have been 
> trained for withdrawals. The Americans do not
> understand infiltration and 
> feel very naked when anybody threatens their flank
> or rear."
> Secret report to the British chiefs of staff from
> Korea, 1951

I see why it was a secret.  Of course, the
Commonwealth units _never_ retreated in Korea.	Or in
WWII.  Or WWI.	Or the Boer War.  Or at any other
time.  By the way, at what point did the Commonwealth
get around to sending troops to Korea?	I mean to say,
were they there in time for the original CVC
offensive?  I know they weren't there yet during the
first North Korean offensive.
> LtGen Tsutoma Yashihara,
> Chief of Staff 18th Japanese Army Group
> New Guinea, 1942

Yup, we gave ground in that war all the way across New
Guinea, through the Marianas, and across the
Phillipines and then we retreated all the way across
Okinawa and then nuked the living hell out of Japan. 
For me that puts his opinion in perspective.

> Don't forget the Bazooka and the BAR
> We're lookin' for Charlie, he can't be far
> Gonna move him on, if he ain't long gone
> Goin' back up the pass, gonna kick some ass,
> Gonna move him on.
> US Army song.

Uhh. . . what's that got to do with the price of

> 27th British Commonwealth Bde marching song.

Yeah, marching songs are really reliable sources.  I
know some that allege that the entire USN is composed
of homosexuals.  Others cast aspersions on the
intelligence of tanker and infantrymen.  Still more
have a few things to say about the courage of support
troops, civillians, and the Air Force.	I even know
one that starts off "First Sergeant don't wear no
drawers."  Yup, marching songs are THE PLACE TO DO
RESEARCH.  They are the source of all knowledge about
all things military.


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