RE: Re: Large Scale Games (was Re: Stardestroyer stats)
From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 16:01:52 -0500
Subject: RE: Re: Large Scale Games (was Re: Stardestroyer stats)
Indy frothed:
>I've been gently tossing
the idea around about doing a 15mm DSII event at ECC one year. I
it at ECC IV, and Jon D asked (after seeing my new 15mm vehicles from
Brigade and DLD) if I was still seriously thinking about this.
Indy, you're going the wrong way. What you want to head towards is 6mm
FMAS. That way you can put a full sized starship on the table (although
at ECC you should be able to put a CH on a table in 15mm).
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