Re: Hills, Mountains, etc.
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 15:11:38 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Hills, Mountains, etc.
--- Richard and Emily Bell <>
> Sorry, but that APC was driven by a dumbass. I have
> driven a nose-heavy, RWD
> land yacht on black ice, and it is not that
> difficult. However, you must be
> completely unhurried. If you can get it moving, you
> can make it stop, but if you
> drive faster than you can maneuver, it is your own
> damn fault.
Right. I can tell you've never driven a military
tracked vehicle in convoy--or in field exercises. Try
again when you've done that. Our squad's -113 driver
managed to get airborne several times at NTC, and was
driving so fast over rough terrain that he managed to
twist off the tow pintle and drop our MICLIC trailer
in the desert. Why? We had to keep up with the damn
tanks. Why? To avoid (simulated) death, which
matters somewhat more than the posibility of an
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