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Traveller & Zhodani ideas

From: Kevin Balentine <balentine_media@y...>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 21:37:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Traveller & Zhodani ideas

Well, I asked about Zhodani house rules the other day,
but my question may have been lost in the "Server Down

Anyway, I've got a few totally untested house rules
based on Traveller and Striker II for the list to
check out.

1. Laser Comms: Laser comms can't be jammed by EW, but
require LOS to operate. Good for relatively open
tables, but trouble in urban locales and other terrain
heavy tables.

2. Uplink Comms: Requires Close Orbit Superiority. No
communications for the side with Close Orbit
Superiority can be jammed. Mostly useful in
scenario-specific (where one side has a big
technological superiority) or campaign settings.

3. Zhodani Teleporters: Announce  teleportation and
place target marker anywhere on the table. Teleporters
roll quality die. If the roll succeeds by 1-2, squad
enters as if from orbital drop. 3-5, squad enters as
if by paradrop. 6+, place squad on target, squad gets
to take two actions. This makes veteran and elite
teleporters the best choice for this type of maneuver.
Others are too likely to teleport inside a tree :-)

4. Zhodani Scramblers: Scramblers are able to pin
target units by using psionics to cause weapons to
fire and pulling pins on grenades. To simulate this,
the Scramblers use an action to "attack" any target on
the table (No LOS required, Zhodani psi-squads contain
clairvoyants that can locate targets and imprint their
locations on the other squad members). Roll the
Scramblers quality vs. target's quality. If the
Scramblers win, the target gets a suppression.

Just a few ideas, what do you guys think?

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