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Re: Interesting

From: ShldWulf@a...
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 19:38:03 EST
Subject: Re: Interesting

In a message dated 3/5/02 4:46:33 AM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> The cynics among us might remember similar stories about the moon.
> might also question whether this was in fact just an attempt to get
> more funding.

Why only the cynics? There IS water, (ICE) on the moon. Not that it's
doing a 
lot of good right now :o)
(Unless the Phalons are using it ;o)

> That's a bit more cynical than I intended,
> Richard
> Not really :o) I mean some of us cynics think this is a way of
> interest in Mars so that the proposed budget line items for "Space
> Power" and "Nuclear Electric propulsion" slide by easier. Then when
> finished putting together megawatt capable nuclear power reactors, the

> current Administration will reveal that they already have the 
> Laser/Particle Beam/RailGun battle satellites to slide them into :o)
> Now THAT's being Cynical :o)


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