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WTF, over?

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 19:56:43 -0800 (PST)
Subject: WTF, over?

OK, I'm sending this to the GZG-list as well as
whoever is in my address book and on the list
(including a couple of Laserlight's old addys--would
you please let me know which of these is still

I have not received any messages from the GZG-list
since yesterday evening and have had 8 messages I sent
to the list rejected.  

If this shows up on the list, all is well with the
world, and my e-mail server is just temporarily

If this doesn't show up on the list, then I got booted
either accidentally or deliberately.  If accidentally,
I would like y'all to pass on to the listadmin my
concern and have him reconnect my happy ass.

If deliberately, I would at least like an explanation.
 I'm owed that much--I've been a regular for too long.


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