Camo, Millenium Falcon, and Slip Gel
From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 11:36:11 -0500
Subject: Camo, Millenium Falcon, and Slip Gel
Nice K-H! Cool beans! One question though: The text says "The "Bright
Star" exercises, orginally just by US Egyptian troops have now developed
into multi-national affairs." -- how did they figure out which US troops
were Egyptian born? (I assume that you mean US & Egyptian troops)
The Snowy Pines could best be called white with evergreen brush-dabs.
Looks easy to paint, unlike Flecktarn.
Millenium Falcon:
Don't forget Level 1 screens.
Slip Gel:
Brian, I'm going to add it to my SG2 non-lethal weapons page (which
should reappear on shortly). For DS, I'd say a zone which
is very difficult to pass and any unit attempting to pass through it
should draw some chits. (I'll leave to you to suggest what might be
appropriate). I think GEVs would pass it fine, though wheeled and
tracked would have problem, as would walkers. Grav would be fine as
would VTOL. Seems to work on earth, tarmac, etc.
Narn bats don't squeek. They use good Ash or Oak, not Whiffle Bats.
Though if you've never played Wiffle Ball Morrisburg-style then you've
never lived...