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Re: FT-Shiva option/starfire designs- Stardestroyer stats

From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 12:04:44 -0500
Subject: Re: FT-Shiva option/starfire designs- Stardestroyer stats

At 8:37 AM -0800 3/5/02, Brian Bilderback wrote:
>Jeremey Claridge
>>It's FT1 stuff but should give you something to go on:
>>Found this site a while back, was amazed when I first saw it!
>Wow.  Thanks.	Eek.  Ummm.... Wow.

That's actually missing a few things. Remember a SD carried a 
complement of ATATs and ATSTs as well as an entire ground force to go 
with them. I probably needs a whole lot more shuttle space and cargo 
space for said forces. Its also missing some sort of command 
structure for A wings to smack into....

Its roughly on par with the Honor Harrington ships when you look at 
their sizes (dimensionally) as well as the number of missiles they 
carry. Heck the HH missile boats were on the order of Mass 10 or so. 
Considering the Harrington Class Carrier carried a whole bunch of 
those and additional weapons fit, you'd expect the things to be 
somewhere on the order of several thousand mass as well.
- Ryan Montieth Gill			     '01 Honda Insight -
- 		 '76 Chevy Monte Carlo -
-			       '72 Honda CB750 -
-	      '60 Daimler FV701H Mk2/3 -
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