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Re: Pulsar Nav accuracy

From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 15:48:39 -0500
Subject: Re: Pulsar Nav accuracy

Hal wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> At present, we are using a 2 AU baseline for measurements of stars. 
> we start using the ships of FT to place automated telescopes in orbit
> around the sun, we can expand the baseline easily enough.  Anyone care
> figure out what the accuracy will be for determining where stars
*were* if
> the baseline is now say, 40 AU's?

See earlier message in thread re: "copious free time"  ;-/

> Also, how accurate does one's position have to be known to establish
> you are precisely?  In other words, if I for what ever reason, jump to
> unknown location in space, and I find at least 2 known pulsars -
> that establish the rough ball park of where I was to the extent that I
> least know which direction to jump back?

You need a minimum of 3 pulsars (fairly seperated) in order to determine
your position. Using 1 point of reference puts you on a sphere (and that
is assuming you know how far away you are). 2 points of reference gives
you a circle of where you might be relative to those 2 points, and
else. 3 locks you down. More refines the position. See earlier
along this thread. 

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