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From: "Jim Hopper" <jhopper@t...>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 13:32:06 -0600
Subject: introduction

Wanted to take a brief moment to introduce myself to the list.	My name
Jim Hopper and I live in Milwaukee, WI (USA).  I have been gaming for
20 years, and have tried many different miniatures systems, historical
many periods) and fictional .  I am currently playing Warhammer Fantasy
Battle and doing some role-playing.

A friend recently recommended SG2 and I have really enjoyed reading the
rules.	After purchasing a few sample figures, I can honestly say that I
like them as well.

A few quick questions then: is there a comprehensive list of all the
acronyms used in the game out there somewhere.	I found one on one of
SG2 sites but it was far from complete.  I am familiar with all of the
current military terms, but the fictional ones can be a problem at times
(weapon designators, for example).

Has anyone come up with a list relating the infantry type to the actual
official SG2 figure from GZG?  I am beginning to plan out some future
purchases for my first couple of platoons and it is becoming tedious to
track of how many blisters to buy of each type.  I'm surprised that the
figure line doesn't more accurately reflect all of the troop types, but
guess I'm a bit spoiled by GW's figure overkill.

That's about it.  Thanks!

Jim Hopper

James Hopper

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