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Re: Thanks

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 09:24:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Thanks

On 18-Feb-02 at 03:00, Thomas Barclay ( wrote:
> 1) Thanks to Chris and Kevin for the recipe, 
> though I'd be interested to know a bit about 
> this Flow Magic or Magic Flow Aid or whatever 
> it was....????

It sounds alot like the flow stuff you use when developing film
to get the water to fl ow off the negative instead of leaving
drip marks.  It turns out that is repackaged dish soap.

> 3) Beth: Men have many weak points. I can 
> imagine many a human Captain, upon sighting a 
> Phalon fleet, feeling extremely inadequate. The 
> phrase "Phalon Construct" takes on a whole 
> new meaning.....

Maybe that is why the ships look like they do, the engineer
them for affect on the races they fight.  Makes me wonder
what the ones designed for Kra'Vak look like.

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