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Re: Fusion energy was: SNOW JOB

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@a...>
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2002 02:24:29 -0500
Subject: Re: Fusion energy was: SNOW JOB wrote:


> If you have a fusion reactor, it will run for a looooooooong time on
> amounts of hydrogen. Even if you run out of hydrogen eventually, you
> use part of the reactors output to split H2O to pure hydrogen rather
> use a CFE to produce the hydrogen. In fact, you would get more energy
> splitting the hygdrogen off the biodiesel and feeding the fusion plant
> that than by burning the biodiesel.
> Greetings
> Karl Heinz

Just one question...(no I am not questioning anyone's logic here..)

I love the idea of fusion also.  But I have a hard time getting any info
relates to how long will the fuel last, how big a typical
would be, ect...

At our current stage of fusion development, how did they (the science
figure a little hydrogen will go a long way?

In the RPG GURPS Space, they include a fusion reactor for players ships,
"takes no fuel...internal fuel supply lasts 200 years."  When I read
this, I
thought Steve Jackson had blown a gasket...didn't seem real. After
Traveller, where the smallest fusion reactor takes 20 tons (liquid)
fuel to move a 100 ton ship (displacement) 1 parsec in a week...

I quess my question is this: Is this a real possibility?  No foolin?

If so, that would be super cool!  8-D

Donald Hosford

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