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Re: Bundermarine FPBs

From: aebrain@a... (Alan E Brain)
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 10:38:44 +1100
Subject: Re: Bundermarine FPBs

> During a recent NATO exercise off Corsica, a squadron of 6 German
> boats pulled a fast one on a NATO task force of 50 mostly French,
> and Spanish vessels. In a night operation, the boats (including
> 'Dachs' and 'Sperber', most technically obsolete) imitated fishing
> drifting slowly towards the task force. The task force ignored them
until it
> was too late. The simulated attack 'sank' nine NATO vessels. The
spiffy new
> French aircraft carrier 'Charles de Gaulle' took to its heels.

The tactic of choice in the bad old days of the Cold War was for the
Bundesmarine FPBs to operate amongst the many small islands off of
Denamrak, to guard the Baltic. Missiles would tend to home in on the
larger radar signatures of the islands, and there were fires to be lit
on them to decoy Infra-Red guided weapons. Would have been a
knife-fight. Some MANPADS on the islands to chase away helos.

You could get the same effect with an asteroid field in FT to some
extent, especially if you used some Sensor rules so small craft could
hide behind the larger asteroids - which themselves have some PDS to
ambush fighters.

I should really dust off the Sensor rules I published on the list awhile
ago - they were designed to allow both the "flotilla of fishing boats
(that aren't)", and the "hide n seek in the asteroids" scenarios.

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