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[DSII] VTOL stands

From: "John Crimmins" <johncrim@v...>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 15:27:27 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [DSII] VTOL stands

Since the ingenuity of the list members has awed me on more than one
I thought that I’d throw this out there:

How do you guys paint/mount VTOL miniatures for DSII?  What kinds of
stands do 
you use?  Do you paint them on the stands, or attach them to something

(Normally, when I’m painting a figure I just use this wonderful stuff
called “U-
Knead-It” to attach it to a Popsicle stick.  The stuff holds it firmly,
but the 
miniature can simply be pulled off when you finish it -- no messing
having to remove small bits of glue.  Doesn’t work quite so well when
you need 
to paint the underside, as well)

I’m trying to find a happy medium here.  I prefer clear stands, because
look the best on the table.  However, they also tend to be a bit
they’re a pain-in-the-butt to store with the tanks, and it can be
difficult to 
*not* screw it up while painting the miniature.

A removable plastic stand might be the best way to go, but I’m not sure
of the 
best way to go about that.  Frankly, I’m hoping that hearing the
ideas of others may bring enlightenment.

John Crimmins

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