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Re: B Ark Colonist and Colonial Industry... [LONG[

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 08:24:53 -0500
Subject: Re: B Ark Colonist and Colonial Industry... [LONG[

> > Roads are incredibly expensive to build and maintain.  Is there
> > reason not to use GEVs instead?
> Difficult terrain (woods, mountains)

Oh, sure, but if you're just putting in a colony, you don't
necessarily have to put your towns there.

> Fuel consumption ? How is the balance of that compared to wheeled
> ? Especially for heavy cargo ?

Fuel consumption now?  Don't know.   Fuel consumption is 200 years may
be a non-issue.  <g> certailny our starships don't need space for

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