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Re: colonial weapons

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 19:59:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: colonial weapons

On 29-Jan-02 at 19:26, John Atkinson ( wrote:

> By 2015, we'll be doing pretty well to have a working
> infantry weapon with a laser rangefinder on it.

Really?  I thought the next generation weapon had a laser rangefinder
to set where the grenades go off.  I would think 13 years would be
enough time to get all the kinks out.  But then there is Roger's
Rule of Thumb, "Nothing is ever easy."	This one is from many
years of being a Unix Sysadmin, but it seems to apply elsewhere.

Prev: RE: Re: OT: On keeping domesticated peeves as pets --> Re[2]: Colonists and Weapons Next: Re: 2300 AD - GZG