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[OFFICIAL] Last reminder for January offers!

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 17:17:17 +0000
Subject: [OFFICIAL] Last reminder for January offers!

Just to remind those of you who may have been thinking about ordering
not yet got round to it - our January Special Offers (the FT
SG and DS special deals) all expire in two days' time!

I've asked Paul to take them off the online store first thing on Friday
morning UK time, so those of you over the Pond will have your Thursday
evening on the 31st as the last chance to order.....

We will still be doing different special offers at regular intervals,
especially on the web store, but may not be doing savings THIS large
for some time - so don't miss your chance.

Jon (GZG)

GZG Online Shopping:

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