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Re: DS2 More on Cascadia: CasCav

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 07:22:22 -0800
Subject: Re: DS2 More on Cascadia: CasCav

John Atkinson  wrote:

>Grenzers:  Austrian border troops, mostly Croatian in
>anscestry.  Mix of light infantry skirmishers and
>light horse.  Literally "Borderer".  Greek word is
>"Akritai."  Between Scotland and England there was
>also a "Borderer" culture which provided "Border
>Horse" which were some high-quality but pretty damn
>undisciplined troops.	Had a tendency to decide they
>had done enough for that battle, and go loot the
>baggage train.

Very interesting.  We'll see where I go with it.

> > All good points.  The only downside is if I follow
> > the 1 item/class rule.
> > That means My PA element is 1,
>Well, I generally don't count the PA as a
>"weapon".  It's cargo.  It's your house rule, you run
>with it.

The closest I come with House Rules is that I count all infantry/cargo
one slot.  Maybe I'll allow myself to, say, allow 1 APSW per class
counting towards the weapon limit, provided I pay capacity for it.



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