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Re: [OFFICIAL] Progress report from the shipyard......

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 19:06:42 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Progress report from the shipyard......

--- Laserlight <> wrote:

> There's a lot of Indians who aren't happy about
> being ruled from their
> own side of the Himalayas either.  Sikhs, Dogra,
> Tamils, and others
> would be delighted if all the high-caste Hindus all
> went on a walk and
> never came back.

I've always thought India made more sense as a
geographical designation or an administrative unit of
a world-wide empire than as an actual country. 
Rationally such a heterogenous conglomerate of
mutually hostile ethnic and religious groups shouldn't
be any more stable than, say, the USSR or FRY.	But I
guess that old colonial legacy has held together for
the most part.	Guesses about the future are, however,
just that.  I mean, there's only 2 or 3 seperatist
movements that are serious enough to be shooting at
government troops.  That's not too bad.  But changed
situation could lead to serious problems--what happens
if the Punjab actually manages to achieve some sort of
autonomy?  Would it inspire other groups?


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