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Re: 2300 AD - GZG

From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:37:02 -0600
Subject: Re: 2300 AD - GZG

> Notice the similarity of Kafers and Kra'Vak? Methinks (actually, me
> knows) that they were a partial model for our favorite Kilo Victor
> figures. 
That fact jumped out at me the first time I picked up SGII.

> 2300 had some great artists and some good concepts. My use of the
> Tempest from Armorcast as Kravak armour is a bit of a play on the
> Deathsled. 

That is one of the reasons in all honesty that I picked the game up
back in 87 the box art intrigued me.

> I have (half written) a set of conversions for all the weapons
> to yours) and some rules for doing Kafers (start yellow, gain one
> quality level per turn until red, etc). Will appear on
> life slows down a bit. 

I'll look forward to that...

> 2300 AD had almost as neat of a future as GZG (and as likely....). It
> too had a "colonial" feel. But it had a really cool starmap (3d space,
> imagine that!) and it had a history which had _been_gamed_out_ using a
> massive simulation and 20 or so people to determine what the countries
> did. 

Using the facts they had at the time, and barring in mine that this was
to be the next phase after Twilight 2000. They did an excellent job.

> And the French were still the French.... and this was another
> non-Amero-centric game 

Well nothing is perfect.....)


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