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Re: [FT] Wacky question - non-FTL Carrier

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 10:30:54 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Wacky question - non-FTL Carrier

At 6:17 AM -0500 1/28/02, Jon Davis wrote:
>From an infrastructure sense, they are a new colony.  From a political
>sense, if a major power is wooing them, then any fleet resource is
>possible.  A small system defense carrier would be more mobile from
>a local and strategic vantage point.  I can't see it carrying more than
>four fighters groups for economy reasons, but your views may vary.

Though, given the whole human counterpart, a small carrier would make 
more sense. Crews don't just start out knowing how to handle carrier 
ops. You have to work your CPOs up to snuff in the experience levels 
before you can handle complex naval evolutions. Same goes for an 
experienced officer corps.

This is one thing that I wish FT accounted for. Crew training and

The Indian Navy has carriers, the Chinese navy has them too. The 
Indian Navy would likely beat the stuffing out of china in a Carrier 
on Carrier engagement based on experience of handling ships, weapons, 
logistics and other stuff alone.  India has a good solid history of 
experienced NCOs and has had carriers for years. More than enough 
time to develop several generations of experienced Chief Petty 
Officers, Command Officers and doctrine.

The US and British Navies are extremely experienced. Having a long 
time of dealing with such equipment builds an institutional knowledge 
of how they work and what processes (that are hard to see unless you 
really know what to look for) should be put in place. Even major 
mistakes several generations ago are a catalyst for good process and 
SOP. The big fire on the Forrestal is still used as a model of 
problems of damgage control on a ship.

Likely for a colony getting a third rate CVL with out FTL drive, 
they'd also have a load of advisors on how not to get yourself (or 50 
of your ship mates) killed when handling a fighter recovery.

Ryan Gill	  |	   |
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