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Re: This is a GAMING list not a RELIGION list!

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@a...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 02:30:51 -0500
Subject: Re: This is a GAMING list not a RELIGION list!

I think this entire message should be added to the List FAQ (if it isn't

Very well put!

(Should we send this on to the nobel group?)

Donald Hosford

Thomas Barclay wrote:

> I direct this set of comments generally to the
> list and not specifically to any one member. No
> one is being singled out or exempted, and I
> include myself.
> Everyone has a right to their opinion. However,
> there is no obligation for each of us to share
> his opinion in inappropriate forums.
> Regardless of ones opinion on races, religions,
> or cultures, there really isn't a need to make
> this list a place for debate. There are three
> good reasons this is so:
> 1) We're mostly all of the "already have an
> opinion" variety hence all we're doing is
> creating noise and changing the SNR of this list
> in an unfavourable way. So why bother?
> 2) Some people are easily offended. It doesn't
> really matter if this is a great way to be. It
> doesn't also matter that speaking your mind
> (regardless of content or lack thereof) is your
> right. These facts are irrelevant to the fact that
> some people will be upset and since that upset
> will serve no particular function and perhaps
> suggest to them going elsewhere is wise, then
> the community suffers. You have the right to
> say what you want. You have the right to say
> that what somebody else said is a load of crap.
> You have a right to be absolutely ignorant to
> one another. NOT ALL RIGHTS NEED BE
> EXCERCISED! Ultimately, the value of this list is
> its diversity of contribution and opinion. Another
> (IMO) value is interchange of ideas. Once
> people retreat from interchanging ideas to
> sniping at one another in harsh ways, the ideas
> get lost in the mix and the value of the list
> drops. So, let us TRY to not go their needlessly.
> Politeness and discretion (the decision not to
> say things that are controversial, upsetting, or
> offensive to others) aren't requirements. But
> they are how one behaves in a community.
> When civility goes away, and controversy and
> offense is all that is left, you no longer have a
> community.
> 3) Getting a rise out of people and setting them
> off isn't a mature way for anyone to entertain
> themselves. Most of us gave that up after
> puberty.
> People stirring things up for no other reason
> than because they feel the world needs to know
> their opinion (whether it is backed by fact,
> personal experience, or messages from their
> alien masters) _piss_me_off_!
> My time is (at least according to me and those
> who pay me) valuable and I'd rather not have it
> wasted having to parse through digests whose
> contents have value except in outlining
> entrenched views (on both sides) regarding X
> religion, Y cultural group, or Z race.
> In simple fact, one can argue that X cultural
> group appears today to have a cultural or
> historic tendency towards behavior B. What that
> says about an imaginary future 200 years away
> is ENTIRELY CONJECTURAL. If one can make
> these conjectures and projections in a civil
> manner with the willingly admitted caveat that
> this represents one possible view, then they
> probably won't offend. If one appears to
> offhandedly slander X because of B and asserts
> without question that with certainty B will
> continue to be the behaviour of X and that
> anyone who thinks otherwise is an <insert
> insult>, then one is claiming a clairvoyance that
> suggests they shouldn't be wasting their time
> on this list but should be busily advising world
> leaders, making themselves rich, or heading off
> major future crises. Clearly this game is beneath
> their inestimable talents. Don't waste my (and
> presumably other peoples time) stirring up
> tempests in a teacup (or responding to
> temptests stirred up in the teacup) - it won't
> help the list, it won't convince the people you
> are in conflict with, and it usually has bugger all
> Here endeth the sermon. Flame away OFF-LIST
> or just decline comment. I'm going to spare the
> list by refusing to comment again on crapulent
> behaviour by long-time listers. Even
> commenting on such petty churlishness leaves
> me with a befouled feeling....
> Tomb Raider
> ---------------------------------------------
> Thomas Barclay
> Co-Creator of
> Stargrunt II and Dirtside II game site
> "In God We Trust... on Cold Steel We Depend."

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